Book a guided tourEnroll

Coursesand prices

All listed prices includes sign-up fee, housing, full board, talks, concerts, study trips in the fall and participating at Roskilde Festival

At Roskilde Festival Højskole we have four entries during the school year from August to July. You can enroll in August, October, January or March. If you enroll in August or October you can finish in December. We make en effort out of our intros and outros, so you don’t have to worry about when to enroll.


Sep - Dec

3 months / 16 weeks
29 Sep 2024 – 21 Dec 2024

incl. 10 days study trip abroad
39.500 DKK

Sep - July

9 months
29 Sep 2024 – 6 July 2025
incl. 10 days study trip abroad
incl. Roskilde Festival
66.100 DKK

Jan - July

6 months
12 Jan 2025 – 6 July 2025
incl. Roskilde Festival
49.000 DKK

Mar - July

4 months
16 Mar 2025 – 6 July 2025
incl. Roskilde Festival
35.200 DKK

Extra for single room
+400 DKK a week


Aug - Dec

4 months
9 Aug 2025 – 20 Dec 2025

incl. 10 days study trip abroad
39.500 DKK

Oct - Dec

3 months
27 Sep 2025 – 20 Dec 2025

incl. 10 days study trip abroad
29.100 DKK

Extra for single room
+400 DKK a week

Your enrollment and payment

  1. Click ‘Enroll’ in the upper right corner and fill out the form
  2. When we have processed your request for admission, you will receive a confirmation and request for 1500 DKK sign-up fee and the first rate of 1500 DKK.
  3. When we have received your payment, we will send you a confirmation of enrollment.
  4. You receive a request for the 2nd and 3rd rate by 3 months and 1½ months before the start of your stay.
  5. You will receive a welcome letter a few weeks before the beginning of your stay.

Besøg os

Come by and experience the place. We would love to welcome you to experience the school. Call us on +45 3132 5321 or book a tour here.